DARE is an acronym that meant 'Drug Abuse Resistance Education'. Students in most US schools went through the 'DARE' program during elementary school (3-5th grade); for me that was in the early 90's. |
Cartoon All-Stars To the Rescue |
Newcomerstown Elementary 1985 D.A.R.E. Program |
DARE Anti Drug Cartoon - vintage 90's nostalgia |
Kirk Cameron 1990 DARE Anti Drug PSA |
The DARE program's mascot was Daren the Lion. A friend of mine told me that he's part of the reason there are a lot of furries around today, and I didn't believe her. Then I heard him talk, and I knew she was probably right. Michael Glover as DAREN The LION YouTube |
Dann recounts his experience: |
The following is a selection of articles I am collecting regarding the the DARE program. The list is ongoing, and I'm going to try and have an array of answers to the question ' Was DARE a success?' |